How to Select Shariah Compliant Stocks & Mutual Funds
Every investment that I make, I make sure that I check if it is Halal or "Shariah-Compliant" - in line with Islamic law. Cryptocurrencies, bonds, derivatives, stock, and any other investment you can think of would have a ruling pertaining to it derived by scholars...

How to Invest in the Pakistani Stock Market
I often see my siblings and cousins splurge on expensive tech gadgets - the latest iPhone/Apple Watch/Airpods/branded shoes - you name it. And I often think, true, some of these items are sometimes necessary for your productivity but often, they are a big waste of...

a rant on friendship & more
Every human feeling that is found to be uncommon amongst men and women is to be deemed as unacceptable, whether it is good or not. My state of confusion surrounding the nature of what has transpired is indeed not found in any of my friends and so it is only ironically...

The Legacy of Habib Jalib – a Poet of the Masses
Revolution and poetry, the two seem to have a history together, intertwined over centuries. At many times, they have led to the fall of Sultans whose power knew no obstacles and the glory of Empires which knew many conspirators. Such was the fate of the birth of...

Exploring the HP Envy x360 Intel i5 8th Gen – a tech review
Lately, I've been getting more interested in learning about computer hardware, everything from the specifications down to conducting actual benchmarks. And so to practice what I've been learning by skimming through many tech reviews, I decided to review my own current...

Fratricidal tendencies – It’s time to be an Ottoman Sultan
Killing your own brother or brother(s), sounds terrible, right? Well, add into the mix several other male relatives as well because killing them was the norm too. Wait, what? Yep, hundreds of years ago in the Ottoman Empire, there existed a law of fratricide which...

Reading the Siyasatnama by the famous Nizam-ul-Mulk
Historical Turkish TV shows have received a lot of praise lately for their storyline and modest content tailored to a Muslim audience. Their has been criticism as well aimed at the fact that their are a lot of inaccuracies - owing to the lack of historical material...

Paving the way for a Presidential System Amendment
In the backdrop of the Imran Khan-led government doing everything it can, perhaps unintentionally to undo Pakistan, we've lost the enthusiasm seen a few months ago in debates talking about a presidential system for Pakistan. Much needed it is then that we take a look...

Don’t Forget these Charlatans – Fighting the Legal Fraternity
Recently, the legal fraternity of Pakistan has been under fire for their hooliganism at the Punjab Institute of Cardiology. While this truly is something the public should protest against, there is one group among lawyers that has been doing even worse in the shadows...

Haq Bakshish – Marrying the Quran
Pakistan is home to a range of taboos. Some of these may come across as reasonable to a certain extent, perhaps those like public display of affection. Others, not so much. These happen to include things like Marital Rape, Blasphemy Laws and even something as simple...

A Case for Presidential Democracy in Pakistan
In politics, the theory of "Separation of Powers" states that the executive, judiciary and legislative branches of the government should be completely separate in order to act as checks and balances against each other. Unfortunately, in the parliamentary system of...

Trapped Marriages, Domestic Violence & Marital Rape – A Crisis
One of the most neglected aspects still existing in our society is the injustice women face particularly in forms of abuse. For the ultra-conservative mindsets, the notion of a man having an all right supremacy over his wife still exists and has resulted in horrifying...

Yahoodi Sazish – Our National Mantra
Your child failed to qualify for a scholarship at college - the administration must be engaged in a Yahoodi Sazish. The Supreme Court of Pakistan sensibly acquitted Asia Bibi - another Yahoodi Sazish. McDonald's trying to control the Pakistani food market - definitely...

Lean In For Graduates by Sheryl Sandberg: Book Review
In 2014, Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook published the updated edition of her bestselling book, "Lean In for Graduates."For the common man that resides in Pakistan, we would very much believe that although women equality is still progressing in our country, the...

Pornography and Sex Trafficking – An Eye Opener
Many people think of Pornography as a business where men and women consensually agree to perform sexual acts and get them recorded for the public to view. Fair assumption. Afterall, that is what you have been told all your life, haven't you? If you spell out the...
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