Ya Allah, when I yield before your Majesty
I fear asking
that of you
which your justice has disallowed
but I do beg you
of what yours has allowed;

Allah Miyan, I know not if I’m worthy of her virtuous soul
but I ask you to make me so;

I ask you not to make her the one
but I ask you to make
him hers, her his,
perfect for one another
tying us forever under your divinely ordained blessed knot;

Affix our hearts for what you want
can it be defied, we know – not
my asking this of you indeed was your want,
how else was this heart
to dare dream so?

When the Padishah of Padishahs makes my heart yearn
for a mere smile on her fragrant face,
isn’t it time
that I fall to
just a lifetime with her?

I hope she doesn’t figure out
one more will be my wish thereafter,
if they shall be the last I utter,
my last wish,
she shall accept?

Ya Hakan-e-Hakan,
that is yours to want, make her accept
for strolling
hands in hands,
tucked into each other’s existence,
squeezingly close
in your garden
overflowing with the sweet musk of love
is all I fancy for.

But my Lord, be that i may never be likened
to be worthy of her grandeur grace,
i beseech you to take happiness
fusing it with the garam chai she so slowly slurps
making her drink it
this time.

Grant her all of delight,
mine’s too if needed but Ya Adel!
let not the heartyness of her plump red cheeks vanish,
they are all that some of us
breathe for
take them away
and see
beings unseen will emerge with pain
never that should have touched us.