I would be a stranger to you, forgotten
rather than be known to you
erased from your conscience

Do the two differ in their end result?
i see not
but it is my heart that fails to accept the latter
for the thought of escaping your heart consciously
is like placing a rock on my bare feet freezing me

my humble throat is dry today
dry as the dust in the desert
yet the thirst it suffers over is quenchable with a drop or two
our fate does not lie in such simple affairs
look ahead towards the heart of lovers;

for the yearning within my heart has not its water
even though the wise acclaimed
of every pharoah meeting his Moses
i only find mirages of her sight
wandering with no meeting of our souls;

i seek her heart’s consent with all i could spur,
a laugh here, a blush there, my eyes firmly hers
but my conscience shouts out for me to return to the divine
to reunite with my origin
away from this fire of destruction
how do i go on to love her then
knowing that He controls her heart
and not a moment but that it can be taken away
like a sand castle under the torment of the wind
with the ocean sailing smoothly enjoying my show;

i will be free from the shackles of every other being
free like the butterfly that sings, no fear for providence
not mourning the departure of a single soul
all crazy letting the air kiss my face a thousand times

yet this world is but of structures
how do you break free from the beloved’s heart
from the thought of her chewing away her lips
her laughter echoing your ears at temporal death